We spent Christmas (and a few days afterward) in NC this year. We were surprised on Christmas evening with SNOW... and a lot of of it!

Doug enjoyed seeing his 15 year old cat, Hobbes.
On Tuesday we went to Winston-Salem, then to the Branches' for supper. The Kornrumpfs came too- Nathan is adorable!
We returned to Atlanta on Wednesday and began the process of unpacking, putting away, cleaning out, etc. On Thursday, I took the plunge and got about a foot cut off my hair for Locks of Love.
On Friday night we went to see Amy's concert (plus Matthew Perryman Jones) at Eddie's Attic. It was a fun way to spend New Year's Eve- of course we didn't actually stay up until midnight- we went to the concert at 7 and went to bed by 10:30 :)
On New Year's Day we hosted a brunch and had a bunch of friends attend. It was a nice way to start the new year!