Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008

This past weekend we went to NC... we had a teacher workday Monday and election day off Tuesday, so I took off Monday so that we could stay for several days. We went to South Fork Sunday night and afterwards went to a young couple's house with some friends and were introduced to Rock Band. Although we both had our doubts, as neither of us enjoys "video games," it was incredibly fun. Doug talked about it all the way home. He wants to get PlayStation just so that he can get Rock Band! Monday I had breakfast with Sarah and lunch with Leslie. We visited Doug's Granny Monday afternoon. She had a knee replacement last week but seems to be doing well. His Aunt Iris flew in from Oklahoma to take care of her.
My computer at work has not been behaving at all. I can't open Explorer, Word, Outlook, Powerpoint, or Excel. So basically I can't do anything. The computers in the labs aren't bringing up my documents, so I feel quite behind. I really need to send out an e-mail about the Haiti meeting on Sunday, but I can't access the spreadsheet that has all of the team member's e-mail addresses.
Next week Alison Winstead and Jennie Rickleton are staying with us. That will be fun.
Doug takes the GRE Monday! Pray for him!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
5K- not so easy!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Les Jeux Olympiques
Friday, August 15, 2008
Home Entertainment Center
Monday, August 11, 2008
First day of school!
Today was long!
My throat and feet hurt!
But it was a good first day. I have really good classes! All of my "bad" students either switched schools or aren't taking French this year!
I'm looking forward to a new start and doing new and different things in my classes this year. I want to use more music in class... today I had Carla Bruni and Francis Cabrel playing as the kids entered the classroom. It was a good way to also talk about French politics since Carla is Nicholas Sarkozy's new wife.
Well, time to go home and relax... and maybe work on lesson plans. 4 more days til the weekend!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
La Rentree
Yesterday we went to the Social Security Administration office so I could finally officially get my name changed. They wouldn't let me drop or abbreviate Jane... so, my name on my card will be Jane Elizabeth Kittrell Williams. Uggh. I though things were finally going to be simpler with my name! My check card says "J Elizabeth Kittrell Will" my license says "Jane Elizabeth K Williams" and my passport still says "Jane Elizabeth Kittrell."
We also got my car serviced... they told us that A LOT of things need to be replaced/ cleaned/ fixed, etc. Not sure what to do... Doug REALLY needs a new car, as his is not reliable at all. But should we BOTH get new cars??
As therapy for these stressful conditions, we've been doing a lot of yummy cooking. I made watermelon sorbet on Thursday- it turned out really good! We made our own version of a Nicoise salad (without anchovies!) last night with yummy goat cheese toasts. Through Salud, we have discovered a delicous goat cheese called Capricco de Cabra (sp?). This morning I made Doug waffles. Now the creativity is going to switch to furniture rearranging because we are bringing Doug's bed back from his house in NC in a couple weeks. The goal is go get the daybed and the queen size bed to both fit in the guest room without being too crowded
Thursday, July 31, 2008
More pictures from Hunter's wedding...
Hunter's wedding
Anniversary pictures...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Since France
We spent time in Nashville... we went to the Melting Pot for our anniversary.
We went to NC and CBC.
We went to my cousin's wedding in Johnson City, TN.
We're now in Nashville.
Monday is back to work :(
Friday, July 4, 2008
Saint Chapelle
First night in Paris pics...
More pictures...
Final Days in France...
We had a “gouter” in the mountains and then headed back to Lyon. It was sad to say goodbye to the Hendrixes, but we hope to see them in December while they are on furlough in the States. And we have thought about coming back to Lyon next summer…
Sunday morning was church and goodbyes there, and then train to Paris. After checking into our hotel in Paris (thanks to Dad’s Marriott points!!), we went to take pictures of the outside of Centre Pompidou and the Stravinsky (lips) fountain. We also went to Place de la Concorde, but we couldn’t get too close to the Oblisque because they have already started setting up for July 14 parades. We strolled through the Tuilerie Gardens before heading back to the hotel.
Monday morning we got up early to catch our train to Caen (which happens to be Nashville’s sister city). We went to the Memorial/ Peace museum, which was very good. We then took a train to Bayeux to see the famed Bayeux Tapestry (which is actually embroidery) and the cathedral where it was originally housed. We unfortunately ran out of time to go see the American cemetery looking over Omaha Beach. That will be on our list for next trip. We took the train from Bayeux to Pontorson, and then a bus from Pontorson to Mont Sint Michel. Mont Sint Michel was incredible… it can’t really be put into words! We ate a yucky supper, but then spent most of the evening walking around and taking pictures. The sun didn’t set until 11PM!
Tuesday morning we ate breakfast and then caught the bus to Rennes. From Rennes we took a train to Paris. We ate some sandwiches in the garden by Montparnasse and then checked back into the hotel. We did Rick Steve’s Left Bank walking tour in the afternoon.
We got cleaned up and then did Rick Steve’s Rue Cler walking tour. We ate some hearty salads for supper and then went by the Eiffel tower before heading back to the hotel.
Wednesday was the Fat Bike tour of Versailles. It POURED on us, but it was still fun.
Wednesday night we went BACK to the cafe on Rue Cler for supper and got two more hearty salads.
Thursday morning we flew back to ATL. We unpacked, did laundry, and ate Moe's for supper. We miss France already. As we have NO food in the apartment, we are about to go get breakfast and groceries... will add more pics later.