Thursday, May 29, 2008

We Made IT!!!!

Well, here we are in the L'Hexagone.  It's just as I remembered it.  The flight over was rather torturous.  If you are planning any long-haul trips, do not sign up for seat 30 E on an Airbus 19.  Upon sitting in this seat, I quickly discovered that my bag would not fit under the seat in front of mine due to a rather menacing "grande boite noire."  My wife suggested I place the bag underneath my seat, but, again, there was a "grande boite noire."  So we switched bags and everything was fine....until the woman in front of me decided to recline her chair.  Now, I am not picky about things like this.  I fully understand that it is her choice whether or not she leans her chair back.  The only problem is that instead of reclining at a degree that would be comfortable for her and myself, say around 40 degrees, her chair goes back a whopping 87.5 degrees.  This means that she is practically in my lap the whole trip.  Now, the best way to cope with a chair in your face is to lean your chair back.  And here the curse of seat 30 E on an Airbus 19 strikes again.  This seat is strategically located in front of the galley, and will not recline as far as the other chairs.  This would not have been a problem except that seat 30 E won't recline even as far as seat 30 D.  Needless to say, I was glad when we started to make our final descent to CDG.  


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