Monday, March 2, 2009

Today was a snow day.  Weird that we didn't have a single snow day last year and this year we didn't have one until March.  So, on this unexpectedly free day, I was too excited to sleep in.  Instead I caught up on e-mails, straightened up our already clean apartment (did major cleaning on Saturday), made egg-less crepes from the batter I was going to take to small group last night before it got cancelled, went to the guitar store with Doug and to Whole Foods for the third time in 5 days, came home and made eclairs from scratch, and cinnamon bread to take this weekend to the lakehouse.  It was quite a day :)  I did not do anything related to school.  A 10 minute ab DVD was the extent of my excercise.  I spent more time that I would like to admit lying on the sofa (a rare pastime for me).  Hopefully the week will go by quickly!  Friday= Center Hill Lake, 15 friends, relaxation, fun.

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