We had a big weekend... Ric and Anna Rose both came to visit.
Friday, I ran 2.5 miles, showered, then I picked green beans, squash, and blueberries with Abigail in her parents' garden. Then raced home to take 2nd shower and make lunch before Ric got here. Had lunch, then took Ric to Atlantic Station/Ikea then a tour of GAC on the way home. Got 2 Redbox DVDs (Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire), made supper, watched movies, and Anna Rose arrived about 11:30. Stayed up past 1 talking... Saturday morning made breakfast and then headed to Word of Coke... then lunch at Taqueria del Sol and dessert at Star Provisions. Anna Rose and I went to the pool and then the park to walk. Then shower and made supper. Anna Rose headed back to Nashville and Ric, Doug, and I went to a Gwinnett Braves game. This morning we had leftovers for breakfast, headed to church, had leftovers for lunch, too, Ric went home, I took a nap (!) and then got ready for small group. Whew! Busy weekend. Tomorrow I'm doing a Camp Salud class early, then probably crashing afterwards!
A few pictures...
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