Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We made it!

After 8 trains and 14 hours, we made it to Haarlem late last night! Because of the train accident on Monday, all of the trains between Paris and Amsterdam were really messed up. So, instead of taking 2 trains (Lyon-Paris, Paris-Amsterdam), we took 8 trains (Lyon-Paris, Paris-Lille, Lille-some random town in Belgium, some random town in Belgium-Brussels, Brussels-Antwerp, Antwerp-some random town in the Netherlands, some random town in the Netherlands-Den Haag, Den Haag-Haarlem). Whew! So, today we stayed around Haarlem in the morning, then we went to a nearby beach town in the afternoon. Pictures coming soon!

1 comment:

Lauren S said...

Oh my goodness 8 trains! Good job on making them all!