Monday, October 5, 2009


This morning Doug and I both took the 9:22 train to Belleville. From there, Doug is picked up by another English teacher and is driven to Beaujeu. I get to walk 20 minutes to the schools in Belleville. It is good excercise, but I wish I was in tennis shoes and not carrying a bag with my computer and folder of class rosters, etc. On Mondays I have one class this morning in the middle school... then I have a 3.5 hour gap til my next class (in the high school). So, I did a little lesson planning, walked over to Carrefour to get a sandwich (I wasnt feeling up to the 5 course feast in the cafeteria), I just caught up on emails... and I still have an hour and a half til my next class. I am going to have to bring things to do for these long gaps! I have a couple of gaps on Tuesdays also, but the longest is about 2 hours.

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