Thursday, April 8, 2010

Weekend en Allemagne

We spent Easter weekend in Heidelberg, Germany visiting Emily Branch. As soon as we arrived, she took us on a 2 hour hike up to the top of the mountain behind the Pepperdine house! After our hike we had schnitzel for supper. On Saturday we did all the touristy things (churches, University Library, University Prison, bridge, etc.), including the monastery with a working farm and restaurant/shop where we bought some homemade cherry-apricot jam. Saturday night we had bratwurst. Sunday we went to an Easter egg hunt at the castle, then hiked up another mountain with Emily, and went to the "Haus Church" with the other Pepperdine students Sunday night. Finally, Monday we came back through Karlsruhe, where we saw the palace, pyramid, and had lunch by the zoo. Here are pictures from the weekend...

The Hendrix garden continues to bloom... some of the flowers and colors are breathtaking!

1 comment:

awalton said...

loved looking through your Germany pictures! what an absolutely beautiful place. great comments too! :)