Friday, November 27, 2009

Potluck and late night

The potluck last night was fabulous! There were 13 Americans, 4 Canadians, and 1 French... and everyone brought delicious food! We waited for everyone to arrive and didn't really start eating until after 9PM. We left by 11:30 to make sure to get home before the metro stopped... well somehow we didn't calculate well the time it would take to walk and get to the tram and then 2nd tram... so we ended up just missing the last metro... on the other side of Lyon! Fortunately we were near a Velo'v "station," and although it was inconvenient, unplanned, and a little tiring, it was also quite nice to ride across town, after midnight without many cars on the road. Lyon is such a great city to live in!

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